Year 2 - Swallows
Hello! My Name is Mr Woodward and I am very excited to be teaching the Swallows this year. We very lucky to have Mrs Monk supporting us in the classroom. Mrs Monk and I are looking forward to a fantastic year. Let's go Swallows!!
Useful Websites:
Mathletics -
Mathletics is an online platform that school already uses and that most of you will be familiar with. It has various maths concepts for your children to practise. I will regularly set tasks for your child to complete and view their progress. Your child has their very own login details for this.
Times Table Rockstars -
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Your child has their very own login details for this.
Purple Mash -
Purple Mash is a fantastic tool that has lots of different activities on for your children to explore. It is used in school to help children with their learning across many areas of the curriculum. To login to the website you will first need to find the school’s login page by clicking on ‘Find my school’s login page.’ Then you will need your child’s login details which they already have.