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Knowledge begins with respect for God. (Proverbs 1:7)

St Matthew's C of E
Primary School

Live, Love, Learn


Nursery School

Learning Together

Latest Newsletter


Newsletter 7 – 14th October 2024


Knowledge begins with respect for God (Proverbs 1:7)


This half-term’s value is ‘Generosity’ (2 Corinthians 9:6-11)



Harvest Festival – Food Donations

This week is your final chance to send in items of food for our Harvest Festival appeal. As in previous years, all gifts of food will be donated to Blackburn Foodbank. They are asking for the following items:

  • Tinned fruit
  • Microwave rice
  • Dried lentils
  • Instant noodles
  • Tinned soup
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Pasta sauces
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Pasta


Staff from Blackburn Foodbank will be coming to collect the food on Thursday, so the last day to send food in will be Wednesday. Many thanks for your support.


Our Harvest Festival is taking place this Wednesday at 8.40am and will be led by our Owls’ class. Everyone is very welcome to come along and join us as we give thanks for all the food we enjoy each day.



The children have thoroughly enjoyed their swimming lessons in our outdoor portable swimming pool! The pool will be with us for the rest of the week and will be dismantled during the half term holiday next week.

Swimming is an inexpensive but fun way to keep fit and healthy as well as an important life skill which could actually save your child’s life. Now that they have had a taste of swimming, many of the children would like to go swimming on a regular basis

Reminder for parents/carers of Year 6 children

The deadline for high school applications is: Thursday 31st October 2024

Half Term


School closes at 3.00pm this Friday for half term and re-opens at 8.20am on Monday 28th October (Breakfast Club at 7.45am).


Reminder for Robins’ Parents & Carers:

We’re looking forward to seeing you at our Early Reading Meeting at 3.00pm on Tuesday


Best wishes


Julian Rogers


This week’s Amazing Achievers!


You’ve Been Spotted!

Children who have been demonstrating one of our school values:


Noor Fatima Hussain – Woodpeckers

Haris Jahangir – Kingfishers

Anaya Ullah – Swallows

Zainab Mahmood – Doves

Aliyah Malik – Owls

Hooria Abbas – Kestrels

Hamza Abdrabou – Hawks

Aliyah Patel – Falcons

Haris Hussain - Eagles

Headteacher’s Award

Children chosen for a special achievement last week:


Jesse Shabani – Robins Blue

Adam Sabir – Robins Green

M. Awais Khan – Woodpeckers

Huda Hooti – Kingfishers

Zahra Akhtar – Swallows

Aamirah Karolia – Doves

Aamina Bhamjee – Owls

Ebraheem Sadiq – Kestrels

Imaan Firfire – Hawks

Layad Hussein – Falcons

Ameen Atif - Eagles

Recent Reading Badges



Huda Hooti – Silver



Aamirah Karolia – Pearl



Shamsa Hooti - Emerald

Anayah Patel - Jet


Authors of the Week

Key Stage 2 children who have excelled in their writing recently:


Ricards Kilpe - Doves

Amna Hussain – Owls

Ahmed Mulla – Kestrels

Ibrahim Ullah – Hawks

Subhan Atiq – Falcons

Mela Kilpe - Eagles

Mrs Martin’s Class of the Week:


Mrs Fenton’s Star:

Rocco Smith – Robins Blue

Mr Richardson’s Lunchtime Awards:

M. Hassan Iqbal (Woodpeckers) & Hamza Abdrabou (Kestrels)



Last Week’s Attendance


Best attendance

Best punctuality



Robins Blue & Kingfishers



Owls & Hawks